Thursday, September 28, 2006
How Grampa Saved Uncle Dan
Remember, or for those of you who are just tuning in, Uncle Dan was my late Uncle Dan, Grampa Sidney's younger brother. He was 3 years younger that G.(about). He looked like Clark Gable.
G. saved Uncle Danny's life 3 times.
1) Apparently on the farm there was a very big ditch with water. I'm thinking it was a well. (OMG I've just blanked on all the details. Dad, fill them in on the comments, please). Somehow Danny fell into the ditch and Grampa heard the splash of all things. He ran to get Grampa Morris who came dashing out from whereever he was to pull D. out of the ditch. G. remembers GM shaking the water out of him, literally.
2) When they were about 10 and 7 they walked over to Montrose Beach (Do you know where that is, Linda?). This was before the city put up big boulders. The rocks.
Anyway, so Uncle Dan has a beach ball and the two of them are swimming. If you know Lake Michigan then you know how the current and the waves can feel like an ocean sometimes. The current pulled Danny out from shore and kept on pulling.
Danny shouts, "Should I let go of the beach ball?"
G. "No, hand onto it. I'm coming."
And he swam out and grabbed U.D. and did an ersatz side stroke to get the two of them to shore. (See, Sim, and you bothered taking Life Guard lessons for nothing).
3). They're in a car, I think Dad's 22, Dan's 19. Danny's cruising along, having a good time. A BIG TRUCK is about to greet them at the intersection and Danny's clueless. Grampa does the shout to save the day.
There you have it.
Oh, one more. How G. learned to swim.
The big guys threw him into the pool. He swam.
Gmar tov again, and Good Shabbas, Mom (Ema if you're Yoni) I HAVE TO STOP THIS!!!