Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Waking Up

Actual exchange from early this morning:

Me: "Hey, last night, I dreamt I was in Grease Academy."
Rachelle: "Wow! I dreamt that we were the finalists in American Idol!"
Me/Rachelle: (in unison) "We have got to stop watching so much TV."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


No one's blogging anymore?

Hey, where is everyone?

Well, Aba and I went to an opera last night, Puccini's Turandot and it was simply unbelievably good, spectacular sets, voices, orchestra, music, and costumes, so many costumes. read the review on my blog

In other news there was a 60th anniversary party for Aunt Goldie and Uncle Max that I missed on Sunday (work, work, work).

BUT Aba and I do intend to make the bris for Rissell and Baruch Russell's new little tyke. Rissell's a Kalman and it's always fun catching up with that side of the family.

Oh, and Safta MOVED. Give her a call on her cell phone to wish her mazal. Her land phone won't be on until Friday. It was very stressful for her. 773-209-1022.

Other than that?

I'm still hacking away and sleeping upright. Week two. Anyone else have a health complaint?

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Making Mixes

I know you kids have IPods, but us old folks don't need more noise in our heads.

So I buy from ITunes and burn CD's. If you want the latest, let me know. I'm taking orders. It costs me nothing still I won't be insulted if you don't want one! I know some of you (live on Burbank) will like it. The showtunes are from the original Broadway productions except for a couple of lame Billy Joel songs that just made me want to have them.

Here it is:

1. She's Got a Way- Billy Joel
2. Always a Woman to Me- Billy Joel
3. New York, New York- Tony Bennett
4. I Could Have Danced All Night- Julie Andrews, My Fair Lady
5. I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face- Rex Harrison, My Fair Lady
6. And I love her-The Beatles
7. Maybe This Time- Cabaret
8. I Still Believe- Miss Saigon
9. I Like the Way I Feel- Barbra-Yentl
10. Papa Can You Hear Me- Barbra- Yentl
11. With One More Look at You- Barbra- A Star is Born
12. Tonight- West Side Story
13. If He Walked Into My Life Today- Mame
14. I'd Do Anything for you, Dear- Oliver
15. As Long As He Needs Me- Oliver
16. Who Will Buy- Oliver
17. To Dream the Impossible Dream, Man of Lamancha
18. It Only Takes a Moment (for your eyes to meet and then)- Hello Dolly

All I can say is, this is a fabulous CD if I do say so myself.

Lines are open. Have a great Shabbas everyone, Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 24, 2007



Masks? Costumes? What's going on? I'm so excited. I need to know!

Abs and I are thinking of coming to Valley Village for Purim where we hear there's a City Council execution of Haman and Sons. Is it true? We're so excited. What's going on? We hear this Haman and Sons sell shoes, or was that Mens Clothing over on Van Nuys Blvd.

We're aware most of you are trying to recover from the evil virus perpetrated upon many, many Jews within the past two weeks. But we hope that you can rise to your feet and scream out, Yes, Parents! We want you to visit us. We hear that Jet Blue flies into Irvine for a prayer and you can rent a car and no one will have to put anyone out ever again.


We'd come in on Thursday, the fast day, maybe take a red-eye Sunday night or leave Monday a.m.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Virus

The novel virus (to which we all seemed to be immunilogically naive) that started with Ariel has yet to be identified. Syndromically, it seems to be a typical viral upper respiratory infection, not strep (which is bacterial), not influenza. I ran an influenza-A test on myself a little while ago and it was negative (certainly not worth the lobotomizing effect of sticking that swab WA-A-AY up my nose). At any rate, it's too late to take Tamiflu even if it were influenza.

The attack rate appears to be 100%. Both I and my wife have it -- we slept miserably last night, and she actually collapsed from weakness this morning. She's somewhat better now with hydration. Yacov, I understand missed 2 days' work, and I can hear Rachelle coughing in the backround, but she's too busy attending to a miserable little HH (as well as Yacov) to take off. Beno has it and may have passed it to Dovid and Chammie.

Hopefully, gallons of green snot are no longer spewing from Ariel's little nostrils. If he recovered in 3-4 days, maybe the rest of us will, too, though I've seen viral epidemics within a family become more and more virulent with each successive victim.

This too shall pass, and we may all be a little stronger for having gone through it (at least we'll have a new clone of B-cells available for this particular strain). I for one would prefer a little less germ warfare at our next visit.

PS -- I'm going out to play B-ball tonight. Even though I feel like crap. Gotta stay on schedule.


Monday, January 15, 2007


My visits to Florida and L.A.

Just a few pics. Basically, it was WARM in Miami, COLD in L.A., but the glow of the family welcome (aw) heated me up just fine. Here you go.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Our glorious vacation

Well, what can I say? The difference between Miami and Chicago has so much to do with the words, green, pink, orange.

Sure, Chicago has been mild and wonderful for Chicago in the winter, and Aba and I even ride our bikes to work, but we were in need of ocean and flowers that didn't come from Jewel.

If you want to hear about the trip so far, go to my blog and read. I'm attaching a photo of Buba and Grampa, a bird and an alligator here, however.

They're looking good.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007



I'm gonna start giving regular reports on our little star -- let's kick it off with this one.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007



Just for fun, click on this one.

Photos of Rose Bowl Queens since 1911.

They're tzniut, don't worry, but don't read any farther. If you do, you'll read more about the blogger's privates than you might care to.

Except, well, now that I think about it, Dad, you might like it.

Love to all.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Look Who Just Woke Up!

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