Saturday, September 30, 2006
Enjoy the pic of me and the secret blogger. I may look like a total dork, but she's very smiley and looking forward to seeing her grandparents!
Anyway, I'm still sick. I thought I was better on Friday morning, so I went into work... where I probably infected everyone within five feet. Not my most responsible moment as an employee. By the time I headed home, I knew Shabbos would be tough.
And it was. My nose got so red from the tissues (yes, the kind with lotion) that I needed to put lanolin on it. The package said it was for nursing mothers, which made me feel really macho. At least Rachelle and HH seem to be on the upswing, and since my SDV seems to be a day or two behind theirs, I have a bit of hope that Yom Kippur won't be a rapid series of banging-chest, blowing-nose, banging chest, blowing-nose...
In better news, I'm thrilled to see Uncle Barry and Aunt Leesa here! Very cool. I don't know what to say about Rachelle -- she seems to be a bit scared of this whole idea. Cham, encourage her, okay? G'mar tov, everyone!