Saturday, December 30, 2006


Mr. Lucas and I

Which one of us looks more thrilled to be there?

Also worth noting -- a British SW fansite recently interviewed me about my blog. Go there, scroll down, and click on my face if you want to read.

Yac, you look great. I devoted a whole post to this link! (not the family one, the lightsaber one)
Lightsabre interview was hilarious. Notwithstanding that those Brits don't know how to spell lightsaber, they do commonly use big words like "prevaricate."
Yasher koach, and good job hiding your true identity.
Wow, Yac. You're so good at these interviews! Did you practice with a shampoo bottle-as-microphone when we were kids?

LOVE the Lucas picture. He's all, "Another day, another freaky fan. Wonder what's for dinner."
Thanks! :D But was Aba being sarcastic about hiding my identity? I really can't tell.

And no, Margo, um... I would never do that... yeah, that's the ticket!
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