Thursday, January 18, 2007


The Virus

The novel virus (to which we all seemed to be immunilogically naive) that started with Ariel has yet to be identified. Syndromically, it seems to be a typical viral upper respiratory infection, not strep (which is bacterial), not influenza. I ran an influenza-A test on myself a little while ago and it was negative (certainly not worth the lobotomizing effect of sticking that swab WA-A-AY up my nose). At any rate, it's too late to take Tamiflu even if it were influenza.

The attack rate appears to be 100%. Both I and my wife have it -- we slept miserably last night, and she actually collapsed from weakness this morning. She's somewhat better now with hydration. Yacov, I understand missed 2 days' work, and I can hear Rachelle coughing in the backround, but she's too busy attending to a miserable little HH (as well as Yacov) to take off. Beno has it and may have passed it to Dovid and Chammie.

Hopefully, gallons of green snot are no longer spewing from Ariel's little nostrils. If he recovered in 3-4 days, maybe the rest of us will, too, though I've seen viral epidemics within a family become more and more virulent with each successive victim.

This too shall pass, and we may all be a little stronger for having gone through it (at least we'll have a new clone of B-cells available for this particular strain). I for one would prefer a little less germ warfare at our next visit.

PS -- I'm going out to play B-ball tonight. Even though I feel like crap. Gotta stay on schedule.


I appreciate the rundown. Quick updates:
-- I have now missed three days of work, and tomorrow will likely be a fourth.
-- I seem to be a day behind Rachelle, meaning I seem to be past the IRN (Incredibly Runny Nose) and into the SCAC (Strangely Congested and Coughing) phase.
-- HH seems to have it worse than we do. She hit 103 again today... but she also has moments where she seems to be okay, snot notwithstanding. Rachelle took her back the doctor today, who said that this has been going around and may last for ten days. Crap!
No, no. Not 10 days. I refuse to have this for more than another 36 hours.
Ariel says stuff like, "Where's da tissues? For the bugers?"
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